Invisible Cities an NFT Collection

Taking Invisible Cities into Web.3.

Dahlia's multi-cultural upbringing connects her with the world in different ways and inspired the Invisible Cities Collection. She intend to free the mind towards the unconventional by creating new spaces that ignite our imagination and dreams. The sense of cultural ambiguity and richness of identity is depicted by layering original photographs, mixing elements from the man-made world, and finding connections throughout each. Everything is continuous and mobile and this relationship opens a conversation about our sense of belonging and how our identities shape how we fit or don't fit into society and culture. As we are experiencing with Web 3.0 and the Metaverse, Invisible Cities unites diverse places and people.

Invisible Cities Collection roadmap:

  • Phase I - Dec 2021 - Limited 1/1 drop during Art Basel Miami sold out @opensea 
  • Phase II - Jan 2022 - Genesis 1/1 sold out @withFND 
  • Phase III - Feb / March 2022 - Collection drop 1/1 Invisible Cities @opensea

You can find Dahlia's NFTs on the following marketplaces: 

  • Foundation - Invisible Cities Genesis Single 1/1
  • Open Sea - Invisible Cities Collection 1/1
Connect on Twitter

Dahlia leverages Twitter to connect with the NFT Community and regulary hosts spaces to discuss NFTs, Art, and all things Web.3. Follow Dahliadb